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Home page Our dogs Pomeranian Puppies for sale Pomeranian Snovella ot Pandy Sharm

Pomeranian Snovella ot Pandy Sharm

Sex: Female
Birthdate: 01.08.2017
Color: white
Price: Екатеринбург


Snovella ot Pandy Sharm

Dream Team White The Rocky (import Thailand)
2*BIG-1, BIS-2, BIS-J -1 Junior Russian Champion Russian Champion

Baby Snovwy имп. Тайланд


Vercruysse Frank  12.10.2017
Hello , I\'m interested in the white puppy snovella to Pandy Sharm , can you tell me how much it would cost to deliver the Pomeranian to Belgium and also the price for the dog . Its essential that the puppy is in order with all Belgium paperwork and of course in good health. Do you give any form of garantee on this puppy?

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