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Home page Our dogs Maltese Puppies for sale

Puppies for sale

Would you like to buy a Maltese puppy?

If you are thinking about buying a Maltese puppy you need to know that:

- We sell Maltese puppies no earlier than at 2.5-3 months of age, fully inoculated and with a full package of RKF documents. The documents are very important, as they are proof that you bought the purebred Maltese that you always dreamed about.

Dashan'g White ot Pandy Sharm
For sale
13.07.2020 Birthdate

Further recommendations.
The price depends on the quality of the specific Maltese puppy, in particular its origin and its prospects. Puppies from two champions may cost more. When buying, you need to decide why you want your dog – do you want to show it or just keep it as a pet.
- We only sell mini Maltese puppies as pets, because of their small size and weight, they can not participate in shows and breeding.
- We will offer you advice throughout the entire life of the dog. This is one of the advantages of buying a puppy from our kennel.
- You need to use information in the public domain to study the features of the breed, as well as the possible risks associated with the diseases to which the breed has a predisposition.
-On average Maltese live to be 15 years old, so please purchase a puppy responsibly.

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