Professional chihuahua kennel "От Панды Шарм", is glad to welcome you to our website. Like the ancient Maya, we have worshipped this breed for many years, because they are the cleverest, most devoted dogs with tiny bodies, cute little faces and the hearts of lions. Chihuahua are friendly with children and animals, they are wholeheartedly devoted to their master and finally, they are real bundles of joy and love.
Chihuahuas are companion dogs. They are pet dogs who can be taught to do their business in a nappy or litter tray when you are unable to take them for a walk. That said, chihuahuas will always be very happy to accompany you on walks. Chihuahuas have a very kind character with high intelligence, they are easy to train and have very keen minds. In appearance, chihuahuas look like small aliens. This breed is characterized by an apple-shaped head, large, upright ears and large wide-set eyes. Chihuahua owners often like to dress their pets in bright stylish clothes. Chihuahuas love to sleep in small soft dog-houses or on a pillow next to their beloved owner. Chihuahuas are considered to be long-lived dog, some individuals can reach 22 years of age! There are both long-haired and short-haired chihuahuas and this breed has the largest range of colours of all dogs. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest breed of dogs on earth. Many families have a few of these small dogs, because once you get your first chihuahua, you want more and more of them.