15.10.2017 in Chelyabinsk there was a regional Maltese Specialty of rank Club Winner. I'm very pleased with results of our maltese: Ellodia Lera ot Pandy Sharm got the title of Best Female and became the Club Winner! Thus, Lera closed the Grand Champion title! Jager Star ot Pandy Sharm on this day visited 3 shows: on the Maltese Specialty he became the Best Male and was awarded the title of the Best representative of the breed and the Club Winner! At the regional shows of the rank САС Jager became BOB in two Best groups took 2nd place! Thanks to all the experts for appreciating our dogs, handler Kristina Ermolaeva for showing Jager. Congratulations to Tanechka Bainova with excellent results of her Maltese!
Pomeranian Monamin Belle ot Pandy Sharm best Junior female
Pomeranian Weimaks ot Pandy Sharm Best Puppy, 2nd BIG, Zhigman Lemon to Pandy Sharm CAC, Champion RKF, BOB, 2nd BIG; OBSCESHEN SUMMER Premiera Poland CAC, Champion RKF, Champion of Russia, BOS; Maltese Mikking (Major) ot Pandy...