On a regional dog show last weekend in Istanbul (Turkey), our Maltese DRİVE ot PANDY SHARM (S. SUN DE LİON USTAN HAVER x D. PORORO GİRL OF MUNHWA KENNEL) Best Junior of Breed, EXC. JCAC JBOB and third place in the junior BIS JBİS-3 !! Congratulations to the owners with a triumphant performance! Thanks to the expert ADNAN ÜKE for impartial judging!
Pomeranian Monamin Belle ot Pandy Sharm best Junior female
Pomeranian Weimaks ot Pandy Sharm Best Puppy, 2nd BIG, Zhigman Lemon to Pandy Sharm CAC, Champion RKF, BOB, 2nd BIG; OBSCESHEN SUMMER Premiera Poland CAC, Champion RKF, Champion of Russia, BOS; Maltese Mikking (Major) ot Pandy...