In Ekaterinburg at the dog show "Christmas meeting", honorable judge Nikitin, our pomeranian boy Ultraplatinum ot Pandy Sharm - СW, JCAC, JBOB, BOB. Hug congratulations to owner Svetlana Stepovaya with awesome win! Another dog from our breeding King Charles Spaniel Riorita Ot Pandy Sharm received СW, JCAC, JBOB, BOB. Thank you for perfect work with dog Marina Rychkova and for the high opinion Judge Krakovskaya.Pomeranian Monamin Belle ot Pandy Sharm best Junior female
Pomeranian Weimaks ot Pandy Sharm Best Puppy, 2nd BIG, Zhigman Lemon to Pandy Sharm CAC, Champion RKF, BOB, 2nd BIG; OBSCESHEN SUMMER Premiera Poland CAC, Champion RKF, Champion of Russia, BOS; Maltese Mikking (Major) ot Pandy...